We’re often asked what’s the biggest mistake most small businesses make on Facebook. The answer is a simple one and it’s nothing technical.

Using stock photos online can ruin your business.

Think that sounds drastic? Businesses depend on new customers and if yours are being put off and going somewhere else because they can’t see the real you, then yes, stock photos can ruin your business!

But why is it so important not to use stock photos?

We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by advertising.

It’s everywhere and as a result we have all become more savvy about avoiding it. Most of us will naturally scan past anything that looks like it’s advertising and one of the biggest triggers of alarm bells in our brains is stock photos.

For example:

Does this look real to you?

What should you be doing instead?

If someone is on your Facebook page, they are more than likely already interested in your service. The best thing you can do here is start to create a relationship with them by showing them the real you.

What do we mean by the real you?

Share pictures of your business, your staff and your unique selling points. The best thing you can do with social media is make someone feel like they already know you. If your potential customer knows exactly what to expect before they’ve even been in they are far more likely to show up at your door.

Literally, show them your front door – do your potential customers know what your business looks like? Maybe next time they drive past they’ll recognise it and remember to come in.

But I don’t have a fancy camera…

Good – the whole point of avoiding stock photos is to make people realise they are seeing the reality of your business.

We tell our clients, if you’ve got a smartphone then you already have the only camera you need.

People expect to see professional photos on websites but Facebook is different, photos that look like they have been been taken quickly on a smartphone will convince your potential customers that what they’re seeing is real.

Stop using stock photos and win more customers by showing them exactly what they’ll get with your business.

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