When we talk about the potential of advertising on Facebook we’re often met with puzzled looks.

“But I made a Facebook page years, I keep updating it like everyone suggests but I don’t see any benefits from it”

Facebook advertising is by far the most effective way to reach your potential customers but a lot of people don’t understand quite exactly what is possible on the world’s most popular social network.

So let’s dive into exactly what we mean by Facebook advertising and what many people are confusing it with.

Facebook Pages

Most businesses have a Facebook page (if you don’t have one yet, go do it now, it only takes a few moments to get started). These are a great way to share content about your business and give a friendly and welcoming insight into your business and your services.

They’re a great place to be a little more informal and show the personality of you and your staff (as opposed to your website which is usually all opening times & prices etc).

The reason you can share a different type of content on these pages is because they are usually liked by your existing customers. They’re a place for people who already know and love your services to interact however, new customers won’t stumble across your page even if you post amazing and informative posts consistently.

People only find your Facebook page by searching for your business name not just scrolling through their feed.

Boasting Posts

This is something that Facebook promotes a lot to businesses, a quick and simple way to push a post (that is already doing well) out to a bigger audience.

The problem with boosting posts is:

The first and easiest option (that most people choose) is to push it out to people who have already liked you page but not seen the post that Facebook is telling you has done so well. This already makes you feel a bit cheated.

Why are you paying for people who have already liked your page to see your post? Surely that’s why they liked it in the first place. The truth is (and it upsets us all) that on average only 6.5% of your followers will see your business’s Facebook page updates and this is likely to reduce even further!

The other problem is that even if your boosted post goes out to a cold audience (people who don’t currently know you) it usually hasn’t been designed with them in mind. So what might be performing well with your followers will mean nothing to people that don’t understand your business.

What do we mean by ‘real’ Facebook advertising?

We’re talking about sending adverts out to a completely cold audience and speaking to them in a way that promotes the unique services your business offers. However, you don’t just send it out there and hope for the best.

You can create content that speaks to your ideal customer. You can target them specifically. You can choose:

  • Where they live
  • How old they are
  • What interests they have
  • Their gender
  • Their income
  • & much more

You can then measure the performance of these specially targeted ads and adjust them based on the results you see.

Using Facebook marketing this way allows you to target the people who are most profitable to your business without wasting money advertising to those who aren’t (For example, think of a radio advert where it could be anyone listening).

This is just the bare bones of what it possible with Facebook ads and why they are a completely different ball game to just updating your Facebook page or boosting posts.

If you want to find out more about how advertising on Facebook could help your business – book a FREE 15 minute strategy call with us where we can create a Facebook advertising strategy for your business.


When we talk about the potential of advertising on Facebook we’re often met with puzzled looks.

“But I made a Facebook page years, I keep updating it like everyone suggests but I don’t see any benefits from it”

Facebook advertising is by far the most effective way to reach your potential customers but a lot of people don’t understand quite exactly what is possible on the world’s most popular social network.

So let’s dive into exactly what we mean by Facebook advertising and what many people are confusing it with.

Book a Free Strategy Call With D-R Ads

Do You Want A Proven Method That Will Get You More New Customers For Your Business?

Book a call and we’ll create a specific advertising blueprint for your business. So you can harness the power of Facebook and increase your profits.